
Mark Your Calendar for Spelling F-U-N

Mark Your Calendar for Spelling F-U-N

The Spell-a-thon, our second largest fundraiser of the year is coming up this week! In addition to reinforcing grade-level spelling words, the Spell-a-thon provides our students with an opportunity to earn money for the school. This money will help support educational and enrichment programs focused on art, music, science, and technology.

Our goal for the event is for each student to collect at least $25 in pledges, which would mean over $16,000 for our school!!! Pledge sheets came home before the break and should be returned to your child’s teacher by January 24.

If you need a copy of the spelling list and/or pledge sheet, you can view or download them by clicking here. Pledges may also be sent by going to our donate page and choosing Spell-a-thon 2019.

The top spellers, top pledge earners, and all those who collect pledges will be awarded prizes! Also, we’re looking for parents to help correct tests and distribute prizes on January 24. If you can join us, even for just an hour, please sign up online and meet in the Bishop Center between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.

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